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Why join?

Fitness Dating Website

Mobile-friendly dating website for those interested in fitness and dating bodybuilders and athletes

  • Step 1 - Sign up

    It's free to join! So, use our easy 5 step sign up process. Get started today and start making connections with our free ice breaker feature! It couldn't be easier.

  • Step 2 - Add a photo

    Upload a photo now! You're 10x more likely to get attention when you have at least one photo on your profile. You can upload up to thirty photos. Let everyone see who you are!

  • Step 3 - Find love

    Start your search for local singles. Send a wink to those that you are interested in or upgrade to a full membership and email them. Life's short, so find that special someone to share it with today.

  • Step 1 - Sign up

    It's free to join! So, use our easy 5 step sign up process. Get started today and start making connections with our free ice breaker feature! It couldn't be easier.

  • Step 2 - Add a photo

    Upload a photo now! You're 10x more likely to get attention when you have at least one photo on your profile. You can upload up to thirty photos. Let everyone see who you are!

  • Step 3 - Find love

    Start your search for local singles. Send a wink to those that you are interested in or upgrade to a full membership and email them. Life's short, so find that special someone to share it with today.

Join now

Date Female Bodybuilders

A website to meet and date single female bodybuilders, figure competitors, fitness models, bikini competitors and other athletic women


We're so proud of our success stories that we want to share them!

These members all found love with Single Bodybuilders

Marko & Karolina: «Nakon što sam već gotovo prestao vjerovati da ću pronaći nekoga tko mi odgovara napokon sam pronašao njezin profil i shvatio — ovo je žena s kojom želim provesti ostatak života! Sada smo sretno oženjeni i upravo smo kupili našu prvu kuću! VELIKO hvala &mdash dali smo naše povjerenje u vezu online i isplatilo se!» više
Joško & Kristina: «Svaki dan je sve bolji i bolji! Stvarno. Nismo mogli ni zamisliti da online veza može biti tako dobra i dovesti nas do trajne veze. Ali sada imam nekoga tko se brine za mene kao što se i ja brinem za nju — što je mnogo više od onog čemu smo se nadali!Naša preporuka je da isprobate ove web stranice — čak i ako ne pronađete ljubav svog života, dobro ćete se zabaviti!» više
Marko & Lidija: «Samo smo željeli ukazati kako su nam ove stranice pomogle vratiti život na pravi put! Online druženje stvarno radi ako mu se ozbiljno posvetite i online vezi pridate pažnju kao onoj u običnom životu. Mi smo izmjenjivali e-mailove i chat na gotovo godinu dana prije nego smo isplanirali naš prvi susret, ali do tada smo se već tako dobro upoznali da smo odlučili odmah biti zajedno nakon našeg prvog susreta.» više
  • Thousands of active members
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  • 24/7 customer careline

Top tips

Find out more ways to make yourself a desirable online date

There's always room for improvement

For your first photo, get a good, clear picture of your face. It works wonders. Try to upload photos that are clear, show your face in good light, and are based on things that you like to do.
Complete your profile. The more you have on your profile about yourself the more people will get to know you. Members much prefer to contact those that have taken the time to fill everything out. It shows your level of commitment to others on the site.

Muscle Dating

Where to meet and date muscular women and men including bodybuilders, power lifters, figure competitors, fitness models, athletes and those with a good degree of muscle